Chai Social Chai Social 465 465 people viewed this event. Thank for for attending Chai Social event on Sunday March 3rd afternoon. Around 35 people joined this open event. Following were highlights of the meeting :- Hindi Sangam new website is up and running!! There was a walk through covering the key content. This will be the one stop shop to find out about the latest events, initiatives and volunteer information. Everyone enjoyed playing the Varg Paheli. Balaji and Malini Kanth were the first one to solve it! Cheers!! VargPaheli will be a standing feature in our newsletter. Keep an eye on it. New Hindi Book list has been submitted to the Library. Arvind read a story नाई नाई कितने बाल by Sharad Joshi, and Vinay read excerpts from the book देश विदेश की मोहक कथाएं by RK Madhukar Everyone enjoyed a short video clip कृष्ण की चेतावनी from Dinkar’s रश्मिरथी – recited wonderfully by Ashutosh Rana Hindi Sangam calendars were handed over to all participants who didn’t already have it. Everyone agreed overwhelmingly that such social informal meet should happen more often! Hindi Sangam will plan to do it once every quarter. Last but not least, Samosas, Chai and cookies were served and enjoyed by everyone. Here are some of the moments captured from the event! A big shout out to everyone who made this event a huge success. Event registration closed. Date And Time 2024-03-03 @ 04:00 PM Registration End Date 2024-03-03 Location Beaverton City Library Meeting Room A Share With Friends Facebook Twitter Linkedin Xing Pinterest